1-Collection : It is carried out every two weeks to once a month, as needed. L’Ecoute vans collect the materials from homes or corporate premises.
2-Sorting : The waste is then delivered to L’Ecoute’s sorting center and divided into categories.
Waste currently being treated:
- Paper: in order to respect privacy, it can be shredded
- Carton
- Plastic (bottles: water, shampoo, detergent …)
- Aluminum (beverage cans, milk powder boxes, …)
- Iron
- Printer Toners
Electrical :
- Discarded computers and household appliances are dismantled and raw materials recovered
- Broken appliances are repaired and redistributed to people in need
3-Transportation to recycling centers : After the shredding, sorting and separation stages, the materials are then routed to recycling plants to be sold.